Airline Information
Airline ticket costs vary depending upon the year, what airport you depart from, and the number of tickets purchased. Departing from a major metro airport will typically save your group significant cost. Prices in the past have varied from $500-$750 per ticket. You can expect to pay about $100-$150 more per ticket to depart from a smaller or regional airport. Book as early as possible, as fares increase substantially as summer approaches and many flights will not have open seats.
Booking Your Flights
Begin to research your options as soon as possible. Once your flights are secure, please contact EAM with your airline, flight number and departure and arrival times. Also, please note that your entire group must arrive and depart together. A $250 charge will be assessed per extra trip to the airport. All payments and financial transactions are made directly with your travel agent or the airline. Your group must arrive on the schedule start date of your experience and depart on the schedule date of your experience. Most flights into Anchorage are generally in the late night hours, with most flights arriving between 8:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Alaska Standard Time. Please do not arrive before before 5:00 P.M; if you do, an additional fee will be incurred if we need to pick you up, and you will need to provide your own dinner.
Airline Luggage & Travel Policies
It is the responsibility of each group leader to check with the airlines to determine policies for luggage size, weight, or other restrictions. It is also recommended that because groups generally take longer to check in, be sure to arrive at least two hours prior to your departure time. Eaglecrest Alaska Missions will not be liable for increased fees assessed by the airlines as a result of oversize or overweight luggage, missed flights, or other delays.
Booking Your Flights
Begin to research your options as soon as possible. Once your flights are secure, please contact EAM with your airline, flight number and departure and arrival times. Also, please note that your entire group must arrive and depart together. A $250 charge will be assessed per extra trip to the airport. All payments and financial transactions are made directly with your travel agent or the airline. Your group must arrive on the schedule start date of your experience and depart on the schedule date of your experience. Most flights into Anchorage are generally in the late night hours, with most flights arriving between 8:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. Alaska Standard Time. Please do not arrive before before 5:00 P.M; if you do, an additional fee will be incurred if we need to pick you up, and you will need to provide your own dinner.
Airline Luggage & Travel Policies
It is the responsibility of each group leader to check with the airlines to determine policies for luggage size, weight, or other restrictions. It is also recommended that because groups generally take longer to check in, be sure to arrive at least two hours prior to your departure time. Eaglecrest Alaska Missions will not be liable for increased fees assessed by the airlines as a result of oversize or overweight luggage, missed flights, or other delays.